26th AND 27th NOVEMBER 2016
  • The 47th CBGM commenced at the specially arranged venue of Railway Institute, Kota at 1100 on 26.11.2016 with the lighting of Lamp by Shri P.K.B Maishram, ADRM/KOTA, Shri YS Choudhary, Sr DOM/KOTA, Shri U John Vincent Kumar, Central President and Shri BN Choudari SG. Shri Om Birla. Hon’ble Member of Parliament, KOTA declared the 47th CBGM as inaugurated. Shri Arvind, Chairman Reception Committee, had welcomed the gathering.

  • The House observed two minutes silence in remembrance of those who laid down their lives for the working class and it specially paid rich tributes to Shri R Seshu Kumar DP/GNT/SCR among others.

  • The Reception Committee then honoured the leaders on the dais with Garlands and traditional Rajasthan Pagri (Hat) and a Memento. ADRM/KOTA, Sr DOM/KOTA and Mayor/KOTA addressed the Station Masters and acknowledged the problems faced by them especially regarding basic amenities and assured the house to do their best. Hon’ble MP KOTA Shri. Om Birla, assured that in the event of Divisional Authorities (KOTA) failing to provide the basic amenities, the same will be provided from his Constituency (MPLAD) Fund. For the rest of India, he assured to raise the issue with the Honorable Minister of Railways. He also emphasized on strengthening the Railways and sought involvement of Station Masters and their active support for achieving the dreams of Honorable Prime Minister for the betterment of the Railways. Thereafter eminent Sister Trade Union Leaders addressed the gathering.

  • The Reception Committee brought out a colourful Souvenir. The Honorable MP Shri. Om Birla released the SOUVENIR by giving the first copy to Shri VP Sheth Ex CSF AISMA. Our veteran, Shri KG Appan, Retd SS/Hubli/SWR, brought out a Hand Book on Discipline and Appeal Rules (DAR) by name WAY OUT to DAR. This book was released by Shri Kulkshethra Retired SS & Ex CVP. Though it was priced at Rs.300/- it was sold to the CBGM delegates at a reduced price.

  • During the organizational hour, in his Presidential Address, Shri John Vincent Kumar explained the struggle of the CEC in fulfilling the demands and explained the concept of CHANGE. He enlightened the cadre to be a dedicated and duty-bound. He threw light on the present scenario of trade Unions in Indian Railways and AISMA. He detailed the struggle of the Association and steps taken to eliminate the Grade Pay of Rs.2800. He was vociferous about the lethargic attitude of some of the office bearers. He concluded his speech with emphasis on Unity amongst Station Masters and development of proper organizational structure.

  • Then Central Working President Shri DHANANJAY S CHANDRATRE announced the following honors and our ex CPs Uma Shankar Singh and Maheswari Prasad Mishra felicitated the following AISMEN and gave away mementos.
MAN  of the DECADE R Durai Swamy,   Liaison Secretary
MAN  of the  CEC  T Mohandas   Publication-in-Charge
CEC Award for Excellence M Sambi Reddy CVP SCR R Balbir Singh Dy SG NR RN Chaturvedi COS  WCR Devaji T Ghanchi GS WR Shamanada  Sagar GS SWR P Sunil Kumar  GS SR PN Gayen GS ER Pritish Dubey GS CR
Best Women Power Maya Yadav DS RTM WR
Gratitude Memento Hemraj Meena DP KOTA WCR and Team

  • Thereafter, President called for the Organizational and Financial Reports. Shri BN Choudhari, Secretary General and Central Secretary Finance Shri K Marimuthu tabled their written reports. CSF expressed his unhappiness over the publication cost and dues getting piled-up on all fronts. He also appealed to achieve maximum membership for the strength of AISMA.

  • The reports covered all the activities of AISMA during their tenure and invited valuable analysis and constructive criticism. The curtains were drawn for the first day’s proceedings and the meeting was adjourned.

  • Late in the evening, cultural Programs were also held at the venue.

  • The second day commenced at 10.00 hours on 27.12.2016 with the address by Shri US Singh Ex CP, Shri MP Mishra Ex CP and Shri PK Das Ex CP. They shared their experiences and applauded the efforts and the CEC’s landmark achievements and appreciated the commendable improvements in the cadre and the activities of the CEC. Nevertheless they aired their criticisms for the shortcomings too.

  • The discussion on the reports of Secretary General and Secretary-Finance commenced. Members deliberated on all aspects. After the detailed explanations and re-clarifications by SG and CSF, both the reports were approved by the House.

  • To honour the Veteran Leader, Com. P Sivan Pillai, CEC contributed Rs. 50,000 to the DEC TVC SR to enhance the Corpus Fund in the nicknamed as P Sivan Pillai Endowment. The cheque was handed over to GS SR P Sunil Kumar and Ex GS SR T Vinu (who represented TVC Division). Then the Central President declared the CEC 46 as “DISSOLVED”.

  • The next agenda of ‘Election of Office Bearers’ was conducted by Shri US Singh ex CP and Shri MP Mishra ex CP as Election Officers. The following are the newly elected office bearers for the period 2016-18.
Central President R K Unnikrishnan  SR 9633065090
Central  Vice President-1 RN Chaturvedi  WCR 9425666669
Central  Vice President-2 MA  Siddique  NER 9450930960
Central  Vice President-3 PN Gayen ER 9800446141
Central  Vice President-4 TVKM Chalapati Rao SCR 9849860631
Central  Vice President-5 Suresh Chandra Sameriya NWR 9461181322
Secretary General Dhananjay S Chandratre  CR 9923173753
Joint Secretary General  Apurva J Jani WR 9879019619
Dy Secretary General-1 Girish Kumar  ECR 9451635930
Dy Secretary General-2 Tirath Singh WCR 9660074977
Dy Secretary General-3 Harvinder Kaur NR 9419782397
Dy Secretary General-4 Arun Kumar Singh SER 8895638847
Central Org: Secretary-1 Uttam Singh Rana NCR 9760536012
Central Org: Secretary-2 Maya Yadav WR 7024134507
Centr: Secretary Finance Shamanada Sagar SWR 9448390910
Central Office Secretary SM Ravindran CR 7219613910
Liaison  Secretary R Durai Swamy NR 9990047419
Publication In-Charge T Mohandas SR 9495336159

  • The new team took over charge and the Central President expressed his desire and explained the agenda of the new team, in brief. He thanked everyone for electing the new body without any hitch. He urged all to strive and extend whole hearted support and asked all executives to work sincerely and systematically for achieving our demands. CEC meetings will be conducted at organizationally weaker areas with an aim to reorganize the set up at such places. Organizational classes, study classes and training camps will be conducted at frequent intervals at various places. The Southern Region MahaSammelan will be held on 21 January 2017 at KSR Bengaluru as already planned. AISMA Constitution will be reprinted in bilingual form duly incorporating the latest amendments and its circulation will be ensured.

  • The newly elected Secretary General explained the need for united struggle and his vision to achieve the demands. He also stressed the importance of organizing the Association from Branch level. He assured his all out efforts for the betterment of the cadre and the organization.

  • The CSF sought some modifications in the Receipt Books and Zonal and Divisional Accounting system. His desire is to print receipt books in two types-ie Membership Receipts and Donation & Welfare Fund as per the IT & TU Provisions.

  • WCR honored Shri BN Choudhari the outgoing SG, who will be superannuating on 30th November 2016 and Shri K. Kannan Zonal President of SR whose superannuation is on 31th January 2017. The house then recalled K Kannan’s close association with our Legendary P Sivan Pillai. He was the pioneer in the Hubli Division activities and was out of Railways for 12 years for legitimate Trade Union agitation in Hubli and finally he got reinstated by the efforts of this Association.

  • The House also honoured the KOTA Division Team and the Reception Committee Members of the 47th CBGM. The CEC expressed their profound thanks for the excellent arrangements of the Meeting and Stay and also for the delicious and hygienic food.

  • The following Amendments to the Constitution were placed and approved by the General Body:

  •       (1) Article 12.1 [New]:
  •       Advisory Committee: An advisory committee shall be formed at   central level with erstwhile office bearers. The committee shall    have a Chairman and three other members. Chairman of the committee shall by default become the part of CEC. Tenure of the committee shall be the same as that of the CEC.

  •      (2) Article 20 [substitution]
  •      Meetings of Councils: The central/ zonal councils shall meet once in a year when the respective general body does not meet, or at shorter intervals as deemed necessary by the respective executive committee.

  •       (3) Article 22 [a] [addition]:
  •       Assets of the Association: All the Movable/ Immovable Properties being acquired should be purchased on the account of Central/ Zonal/ Divisional body and not on any individual’s name. To deal with such properties, the Power of Attorney shall be vested with four members out of which two shall be ex-officio members [President/Secretary and Secretary-finance]. Among the other two members one should be less than 50 years of age and on the second attaining 50 years one of them shall be replaced in the next general body.

  • In accordance with the provision contained in Article 33 of the constitution, the following bye laws are formulated:

  • SPECIFIC CLAUSES INCLUDED in the BYE LAWS for GRANT of REGISTRATION u/s 12 (A)(a) of the INCOME TAX Act in the case of Society/Associations:

  • The Association shall arrange for Social and charitable activities at all levels.

  •     1. The Association formed for this purpose is irrevocable,
  •     2. In Case of Winding up / Dissolution of the Net Funds would be transferred to Institution having similar objects
   and enjoying Exemption U/s.11 /80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
  •     3. The activities of the Association would be confined to Territory of India.
  •     4. The activities would be Charitable nature and not motivated for Profit
  •     5. The Funds of the Association would be utilized only for the objects and no portion would be distributed in any manner to the persons as defined in section 13 of the Income Tax Act 1961.
  •     6. The benefit of objects would be available to the employees and general Public irrespective of caste, religion or sex.
  •     7. Not more than 5% of the Income of the Association would be applied for any Religious
  Purpose/Religious Institution .
  •     8. The Funds of the Association shall be Invested in any of the modes as prescribed U/s 11 (5) of I T Act.
  •     9. Alienation of Association’s Immovable property will be done only with the Prior approval of Commissioner of Income Tax [Exemptions] in whose jurisdiction the Association is Registered.
  •    10. Any Amendment to Bye-Laws of the Association shall be done with the Permission of the Commissioner of Income Tax [Exemptions] in whose jurisdiction the Association is Registered.

  • The following resolutions were passed:

  • 1-CBGM decides to depute “Full Timers” to work intensively for the Association. These full timers would be retired Station Masters who have served at various levels of this organization. They will be paid monthly honorarium and can claim travelling expenses. Four Full Timers would be elected, one for each region for a period of two years. These “Full Timers” will work for the uplift of weaker regions in close coordination with SG & CP.

  • 2-The Saving bank account with State Bank of India at Madurai operated by Publication-in-charge shall be converted into current account.

  • 3-Bank accounts of the Association at all levels [zone, division, branch] shall be listed with the CEC with full details. Details of all such existing bank accounts and those to be opened in future shall be conveyed to the CSF.

  • 4. Rules: All rules including the General Rules [Open line 1976] shall be revised thoroughly to include latest developments and to eliminate the redundant provisions.

  • 5. All stations/work spots where train passing duties are performed shall be provided with computers along with net connectivity and software to be designed and installed to do away with all paper authorities. Corresponding facilities to be provided in train engines also for this purpose.

  • 6. The following New Demands are arrived at:
  •   (a) Vacation of Victimization.
  •   (b) Minimum Pay Matrix 7 for Station Masters.
  •   (c) Abolition of EI Roster in all sections of Railways.
  •   (d) All In-charge Station Masters to be declared as Supervisory.
  •   (e) Posting of Additional SMs to be simplified and posting to be done on war-foot basis.
  •   (f) Implementation of roster without continuous night duties at all stations.
  •   (g) Leave reserve to be revised upwardly to 33% taking into account new kinds of leave like CCL, ML, PL, CCL for   yoga/religious programmes, etc.
  •   (h) Curbing of MACPS anomalies and uniformity in implementation;
  •   (i) Centralised Head Quarters
  •   (j) Implementation of Uniform Transfer Policy.

  • The 47th CBGM thus concluded with vote of thanks was delivered by Shri Hemraj Meena DP KOTA WCR.

  • The 47th CEC commenced its march with a vow to work for the Station Masters’ Welfare with new vigor and vibration. It vouched the theme, "AISMA for Masters; Masters for Nation" will be properly propagated.


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